Blog — Hot Off The Press
When I Dream of Michelanglo…
So it is going to be a little dreary today (overcast, rainy, maybe rain/snow mix), I'm waiting for a plate to arrive so I can print something special STAT! So while I wait I thought I'd show you another view of the studio with another little tidbit and a little professional daydreaming…(I'm really good at this!) During the summers of 2000 and 2001 Andy and I were able to spend extended time in Florence, Italy…we made many wonderful Italian and American friends and when I look back at that time, it is still life-changing in every way. Living in another...
special delivery!
Hello dear friends! I have been busy lately with quite a few mundane things such as ordering new rollers for a press, more paper (always more paper), new roller height gauge, and finally lighting and signage for my booth for The National Stationery Show. I've got a few projects on the books that need to be printed so just waiting for plates and finishing of designs …over the course of the next few weeks you'll see some new printed pieces. But in the meantime I thought I'd just take a few photos around the studio and tell you some funny...
My Oh My!
Can you believe my littlest one turned one this past Saturday? We had a lovely gathering with a few friends and quite a bit of family at our home… Thought you'd like to see some of the photos (they took tons of wonderful shots) of the big day, they were taken by our friends at Barber Photography in Des Moines. They did simply fabulous, don't you agree? [gallery link="file" columns="4"]
love to you!
so I have been working on a few top secret projects so I can't show the full picture yet since they haven't been given as gifts yet… but here is a little sneak peek! What are you doing for Valentine's Day? We will be baking a few sweet treats for special folks at the Day Care, Charlotte will be going to Grandma's to play with her cousins and Andy and I will have a mini-date tonight thanks to the generosity of young people at our church- thinking some take-out, wine and getting a good fire going…a quiet house…too good to...
anniversary print
Can you tell I've been listening to The Sundays?