True Grit
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Hello! Today I thought I'd give a little look into my creative process. I've had different people ask me how do I come up with ideas for cards, prints, etc. and usually I just want to say something brilliant like "well you know, Michelangelo just lived it, he couldn't NOT create," but we all know that isn't really always the case for me. Usually I am just inspired by small pretty mundane things. So here is the inspiration for this card…
I've been thinking a lot lately about what it is to be a Momma. Late nights, early mornings, crabby afternoons or after work hours, the list could go on but among the hilarious and day-to-day thoughts on motherhood, I often think about two of my friends (A,C) and family member (R) who over the past 1-3 years have really had some True Grit in the arena of Motherhood. I don't want to give out all the specifics, but all three of them are mommas to kids with special needs. I can't tell you how many hours, days, months, weeks and years they have spent on appointments, researching, watching their children undergo tests, conversations with specialists, doctors, advocates, healthcare workers, nurses, physical therapists and of course the dreaded insurance companies, all while trying to care for their spouses, other children, mountains of laundry, and go to work. They never cease to amaze me in their joy, hope and stamina. So as Mother's Day approaches, think about who you can encourage. I'm gonna let those Super-Mommas know that they aren't alone in this journey; that they are beautiful, amazing, and stupendous women especially if they could see what I see…
Momma A reminded me about this in a recent email: "My new song about ______ is from Nichole Nordeman and Amy Grant based on the story of Ruth and Naomi in the Old Testament, "I'm With You." It is not really about our relationship but the chorus always makes me laugh, or cry, depending on the day. "You and me, Me and you, where you go I'll go too, I'm with you, I'm with you. Till your heart finds a home, I won't let you feel alone, I'm with you, I'm with you." Really, I just love the reminder in the song. The love Ruth and Naomi shared is a reminder of God's love for us and that God will never leave or forsake us. He is with us all day, everyday."
Good stuff huh? Hats off to you Mommas…watch your mail you three…
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